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tinker completes job at cern science gateway


CERN's new visitor centre, designed by world-renowned architect Renzo Piano, opened to the public on 7 October 2023. Located next to the Globe of Science and Innovation, it hosts brand-new exhibitions, labs for hands-on experiments, a 900-seat auditorium, a shop and a restaurant. Tinker was present during the festive opening.

We dove into science again and designed an art space showcasing artists' installations on the theme of the Big Unanswered Questions in physics, and the exhibition Back to the Big Bang, narrating the history of the entire universe. A captivating journey with real-time particle detection, hands-on installations, and a tactile timeline accessible to all.

The look and feel mimic CERN, using similar materials and design in interactive exhibits that resemble laboratory setups. CERN is the European Laboratory for Particle Physics and helps to uncover what the universe is made of and how it works. Together with Bruns, YIPP and Mansveld, we enjoyed another huge adventure.

Find out more about the project.

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