we are experience designers

british innovation award for ald vr experience


Less than a month after its release, the VR version of the ALD Mobility Experience Centre has received the Innovation Award at the Fleet Hero Conference in London. The Fleet Hero Awards are an initiative of the Energy Saving Trust, an independent British consultancy and research organisation. It celebrates organisations that have implemented green solutions, policies, and innovations to reduce their fleet’s carbon footprint and fuel costs.

Tinker imagineers is responsible for the design of both the physical ALD Mobility Experience Centre and its VR version, which can help companies understand the effects of their mobility choices in terms of sustainability, cost efficiency, and attractive employment benefits. The Mobility Experience uses elements such as serious gaming, video, and - as of now - virtual reality. Since its opening, the MEC has received over 2,500 visitors.

Lonneke van der Horst, one of the initiators of the Mobility Experience Centre and a Marketing & Strategy Manager with ALD Automotive says: "This international award for the Mobility Experience Centre is a wonderful recognition for our efforts. It confirms our decision to release a VR version to make the MEC globally available."