emmeline nijsingh

content developer

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Brewing stories from a balanced mix of ingredients for a dedicated audience.

For me, it's all about telling stories. Stories that are not just to be listened to, but to be experienced. A story becomes more powerful by matching it with authentic objects. Or gains in impact through the space in which it’s told. As a creative storyteller, I move the ingredients around until the story comes together.  

Having worked for more than ten years in the museum world, I have gained a deep understanding of what amazement and experience will do for visitors. How do people look at things, how do they experience them, and what do they wonder about? In my work, the visitor experience takes central stage. And I’m used to switching between the museum world and the design agency. I understand their intentions and what goes on behind the scenes - on both sides. This helps me to connect the two in a valuable and tactical way. Where creation and organisation meet, I am at my best. 


Born in Grijpskerk


Master of Arts in Art and architectural history, University of Groningen 


Master’s degree in education, ICLON, Leiden University 


Visual arts teacher in secondary education


Education & PR at AAMU - museum of contemporary Aboriginal art, Dordrecht Museum, Huis Van Gijn, and Het Hof van Nederland  


Started working as a content & concept developer at Tinker imagineers 
