we are experience designers

international book launch worlds of wonder


Last November Erik Bär and Stan Boshouwers published the first handbook on experience design, Worlds of Wonder. We'll celebrate the international launch of the book with a special guest, management advisor and American experience economy guru Joseph Pine. Subject: Experience Economy: where are we heading to?

Reserve your seats for this event here

The experience economy
20 years ago American authors Joseph Pine and James Gilmore predicted the rise of the experience economy. A manner of value creation with personal experiences as the greatest differentiator. With hindsight we can say they were spot on. Experience as an economical offering has permeated in all domains of branding, marketing and organisational thinking. 

BIS Publishers presents: Joseph Pine x Tinker 
What does B. Joseph Pine II think of this development? How did the authors get along after they hit on this powerful concept? We discuss these questions in the context of our new book. Worlds of Wonder - experience design for curious people of the two pioneers in this sector Erik en Stan explores the power of experiences for personal development and transformation that are, according to Pine, the final and last economical offerings in service design. The book covers 25 years of XD. And the forthcoming 25 years. 

Friday 1st February 2019
20.00 - 22.00 (doors open from 19.30)
Grote Zaal, Pakhuis de Zwijger, Amsterdam 
Free acces, sign in required  

If you are not able to attent, there will be a livestream available of the event via www.dezwijger/live