Exhibition design agency

Our exhibition design agency creates an inspiring space that tells a story – your story. Our portfolio shows how we immerse visitors with wow-moments.

Tinker is an exhibition design agency specialised in the art of creating spaces that tell a story. Spaces that inspire people. Starting in 1991, Tinker witnessed the rise of a completely new industry. We have learnt how to immerse visitors by mixing graphic, spatial and theatrical arts with interaction design and personal growth.

a moving exhibition design by an experience design agency

For the last two decennia, museums went from collection-based to visitor-based. That is to say, their operational focus shifted from objects displayed by curators to moments experienced by people. Exhibitions may look appealing, be very interesting, address a major issue and yet they might still fail to move you. It’s often the emotional aspects that hit close to home, redefining your relationship with the subject in question

It is not just the topic the museum is about, it is about how this topic is contextualized, making full use of the amazing narrative powers of experience architects. As an exhibition design agency it’s our job to provide wow-moments in museums, the key is to utilize the power of immersive experience and communication in the service of true human desires.

a few examples

Tirpitz museum, Denmark > this permanent exhibition design is based on the rhythm of the building and the surrounding nature, creating a journey through the space and time of this region in Denmark. Every room has its own rhythm, beating in sync with its storyline: high and low tide, night and day, good and bad, hot and cold, the passing of time.

National Jenever Museum > we designed the renovation, focusing on the modern experience of an authentic product and on the past and present of the distiller’s craft.The National Jenever Museum is located in a former Schiedam malt spirit roasting house and distillery.

National Archives > The exhibition The War that Stayed With Us offers a unique multiperspective view of the years after the liberation of the Netherlands, 75 years ago. Visitors are introduced to different people and their emotionally charged stories, which turn out to be more complex and nuanced than you’d think at first sight.

our portfolio

Have a look at our portfolio to have an idea of the exhibition designs of our agency. Or contact us via +31 (0)30 230 04 05.

imagine when we start joining forces

Tinker is an agency for creative consultancy and experience communication. We bring ideas to life in exhibitions, events, pavilions and multimedia theaters.